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July 26, 2001  The Dell Ad Parody

Loved the Dell ad parody! TSS did a promo ad for the show which is a parody of the Dell ad with Steve and Jeff. If you've been watching TechTV for any length of time, then like me, you've had that ad permanently burned into your brain. I saw the parody ad while watching Call For Help, and it caught me completely off guard. Got my much needed laugh for the day.

Dish: Dell Parody Promo

I hope Dell doesn't get ticked. Fortunately, they finally replaced that old annoying ad with a new one.

;) You'd think that Leo would know better than to leave "his" DVD player on the set. Especially after what Martin did to "his" Billy Bass fish last summer.

The Screen Savers now has a professional humor writer. Hmmm...
Dish: Who's Gary?

Posted by Christy on July 26, 2001 10:52 PM


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