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May 03, 2002  CD Sales and Online File Sharing

Leo has been stating for some time his belief that online music file sharing actually increases CD sales. This is in contrast to the RIAA and the music industry which has sought to stop online trading of music files. His argument is supported by the fact that music sales have declined since the shutdown of Napster. However, this argument is complicated by the fact that the economy has worsened in that time, which could also account for the decreased CD sales. Now, a news story seems to support Leo's claim. However, the survey is based on self-reports of online file sharing users, so the results may be somewhat biased.

Yahoo News: Internet File-Sharing Boosts Music Sales

Posted by Christy on May 03, 2002 11:30 PM


I agree with Leo. In using Morpheus, I make CD's but doesn't stop me from buying the CD from an artist, because you can't find all the songs. BTW, how's your new job? Haven't seen ya around lately.

Posted by: John on May 9, 2002 02:42 PM

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